Exported rivets to MANU YANTRALAYA(P)LTD (INDIA)
Exported rivets to ORS (Turkey) Dawoori Factory's expansion
Added 8 rivet machine facilities (total 112) Exported Super stone to FAG (India)
Exported rivets to Japanese TODO (China)
Annual production of rivets 350/ton Added riveting machine equipment's (total 104)
Delivered Super stone WG6000 to FAG Changwon Factory
Delivered Super stone WG3000 to FAG Jeonju Factory
Delivered Super stone WX4000 to FAG Changwon Factory
Succeeded Super stone localization
Acquired ISO 14001 certification
Added 81 rivet machine
Exported to SKF France
Acquired ISO 9001 certification
Succeeded Honing Stone localization
Changed name to DAWOORI
Merged Taesung Industry and Sejin Machine
Succeeded rivet machine localization
Succeeded localization of ingredients Increased rivet machine
Established Rivet manufacture factory, started localizing rivet Founded Taesung Industry
Import Rivets, Super stone, Diamond grinding wheel dresser Established Sejin Machinery